Your auto insurance policy serves as a shield against financial loss, provided through different kinds of protection. Some of these protection types are legally required, while others are optional. Your specific coverage will rely on what you opt for when drawing up your policy. If you want advice on choosing auto insurance in Senatobia, MS, Storey Insurance is here to guide you.
Bodily Injury Liability
This coverage bears the cost when the other party suffers an injury in an accident involving you. If the accident is determined to be your fault, the justice system will hold you liable for all medical bills and other resulting costs. Without bodily injury liability, the high cost of medical bills might lead to bankruptcy.
Property Damage Liability
Another key liability coverage comes into play for any damage caused to another party’s property involving your vehicle. This typically covers the cost of repairing a vehicle, but it can also extend to the damage inflicted on structures, plants, or other properties by your vehicle. This is an essential coverage that every driver must have for protection against accidents.
Collision Coverage
Although this coverage is not required, it is crucial as it covers damages to your vehicle after an accident that was your fault. This safeguards you and ensures you have a functional vehicle even after an accident.
Acquire Auto Insurance
In Mississippi, every driver is required to have auto insurance. To learn more about what it offers and how to get one, call Storey Insurance in Senatobia, MS.