Most of the population knows that auto insurance is super important to have, and most states require it. Although most states have a minimum liability requirement, it might not be enough to cover a claim if you are in an accident. What happens if you do not have enough auto insurance? Storey Insurance is here to assist Senatobia, MS drivers with all their auto coverage concerns.
Consequences of inadequate auto insurance
Car accidents are awful enough without worrying about how you will pay for one. This is one of the reasons liability insurance is mandatory throughout the United States. The damage from a car accident can cost several thousand dollars, not to mention the added bodily injury liability costs. If you only have the bare minimum amount of insurance, you would be responsible for several thousand dollars worth of damage. Those expenses could affect your whole way of living.
If you don’t have enough insurance or money to pay for it, the other party might file a lawsuit against you. Depending on the outcome, you could lose your license, and they could garnish your salary, put a lien on your home, or do whatever they needed to resolve the claim.
How to cut costs
Sometimes, people are concerned about the cost of their insurance, so they try to cut out the most expensive parts. Unfortunately, the most expensive part of auto insurance is liability coverage. If you want to cut down on the premium, you can raise your deductible or cut out some of the other coverage options.
How can you protect yourself?
The best thing you can do to protect yourself from these potential financial downfalls is to get an adequate amount of liability insurance. With the proper amount of insurance, you can save your wallet in case of a costly accident. Stop by or contact us at Storey Insurance in Senatobia, MS for your auto insurance needs.